Thursday, January 20, 2011

Some kind of wonderful

My beautiful silk chiffon jcrew dress arrived this morning, perfectly packaged in its sweet box. I just love those flat dress boxes. They remind me of old movies where the dapper gent has a new dress wrapped and delivered to his lady love. This probably goes a long way towards explaining my UPS addiction.

BTW, if you don't know, jcrew keeps their clearance rack humming with gorgeous lifetime wardrobe dresses at a great prices. Quite honestly, I'm entirely too cheap for jcrew's socks, much less their dresses. But if you sign up for their email list, they will send you coupon codes for the sales rack. And this is how I came to own a $195 dress for the bargain basement price of thirty-five smackaroos.

I always wondered why there was a snap in the shoulders of their dresses though. Now I feel like an idiot. Today I realized that it came apart making it useful for keeping bra straps in their place. I'm so doing this on my next dress project.

p.s. Can I wear these shoes with it?


  1. If you don't wear those shoes with it, I may have to disown you. I think you should make this your "vacuuming outfit"! ;)

  2. I need a polka dotted apron to go with it!

  3. Love the dress (and the price!!) and yes, wear the shoes with it. And a polka dot apron if at all possible.

  4. Love the shoes and those little bra holder straps are the best thing eva!



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